Monday, November 15, 2010

November 14, 2010

You would never know it was the middle of November, today the weather was amazing. Almost 70 degrees on the beach this morning - blue sky, not a cloud in sight.

Of course, the second I tried to take a photo of Mr. Stubborn mule Jonathan this is what he did....

....but then I told him that I would swing him off the rocks unless he cooperated...

The last couple of days Ben's wanted to watch his skateboard movies, so, on the way home, we stopped at the skate park in Scotts Valley for him to get back on his board. I think he'd forgotten how hard it really is to skate. It took him a while to get his confidence. We really should try to go to the skate park more often, I'm pretty sure once he's been a few times and watched the other kids he'll be more inclined to skate down the bigger ramps/bowls.

Of course, not to be left out, Jonathan took his scooter....

November 13, 2010

Today was Ben's final soccer game of the season....the undefeated Wild Coyotes won (again!) 3-1. We are the champions.

November 12, 2010

Lexington School was closed for Teacher In Service Day....after a somewhat boring (for the boys) morning shopping at the various stores I go to each Friday, which, I have to say they were very well behaved about - granted, they were bribed.....if they were good, they each got a tic tac. I know, totally pathetic bribe, but, the love tic tacs, and it was there idea to "earn" one. Plus, we also went to the library for them to return old books and replace them with new ones.

After unloading all the shopping and lunch Ben wanted to go to the park to ride his bike. I'm still in shock about he new love of bike riding. After all those hours I spent running alongside him trying to teach him how to balance and pedal - after all those tears he shed - and after all the pent up frustration I felt about him not having the confidence - about 2 months ago he takes it upon himself to drag his bike out of the garage and learn to ride - and dammit, he did it.

Of course, not to be outdone, Jonathan also had to take a mode of transport to the park to ride on. Normally he takes his little 3 wheel bike, but halloween weekend, while friends were at our house, Jonathan decided to turn his bike over and show his friends how to fix it. Which meant he pulled out the bolt that held the seat in place. Of course, he cannot remember the special place he put the bolt, and until it's found, the bike is out of service. Therefore, Jonathan took his scooter, which, at first he wanted me to push him on, then he wanted to stand in front of it, walking backwards pulling it along.....finally, he decided he would ride it.

Bill and the dogs met us at the park, and of course, in typical Vizsla fashion, neither dogs were happy about having to sit on a cold concrete floor, and so Jasper decided to hang on to Bill and give him lots of Vizsla kisses.

Yes, Benjamin's hair is indeed red. This morning, he'd asked if he could gel his hair - no problem. But what he forgot to tell me, is he was planning to use the red hair gel ;-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 31, 2010

In typical kid fashion, it took the boys a long time to make a final decision about their halloween costumes. After much online searching Ben thought he had found the perfect costume, a decomposing moster - then - just as I was about to hit "buy" he changed his mind and picked an Evil Emperor. Jonathan switched between Spiderman, Lightening McQueen and Sponge Bob Square Pants. His #1 priority was to not have anything covering his face, we found the perfect Spiderman costume - but then he wasn't sure he'd actually wear it - aaagggggghhhh. Then, the day Ben found the Evil Emperor Jonathan spotted a fire fighter costume - sold!

As in previous years, we went to the Houston's for trick or treating. Keeping up with the big kids wasn't easy, Ben and Bryant wanted to run at top speed from one house to another. At first Jonathan refused to say trick or treat and would only say "thank you" once the candy hit his bag; however, after a few homes he plucked up the courage....knock on the door, door opens "thank you trick or treat"

October 2010 = Soccer

Ben was very excited to sign up for the Mountain Soccer League (and we were happy to learn the weekly practices are held at Lexington). His team is the Wild Coyotes.

Looking at these photos, it appears Ben is 100% focused on the game, eye on the ball...but...what is missing is the running commentary and action replay he gives every time he has contact with the ball ;-)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009

This afternoon Ben wrote to Santa....

"Dear Santa,
I have been good most of the time.
I would like an electric guitar, a Wii, a Rubic Cube and a Nerf Football.
I will bake you some cookies.
From Benjamin Ross"

November 28, 2009

The damned Christmas tree almost ended up thrown over the deck. While Bill cooked Ben and I set about decorating the tree. Ben's job was to hold the lights and walk behind me while I put them on the tree, all was going well, until I realized Ben had been walking in the opposite direction to me and at least half the lights were now tightly wrapped around the tree's trunk. Of course, Bill thought it was hysterical to listen to me bitching and moaning while I untangled the lights.

Ben did a great job putting all the ornaments on the tree...where was Jonathan while all this was going on....hiding behind the sofa repeating over and over again "I no yike the Christmas tree"